Our students are Active Christians, Responsible Citizens, Motivated Learners, and Servant Leaders!
We are Catholic first! We take great care in preparing our students for a life of faith through the Sacraments! We prepare our students for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
Our students attend and participate in school-wide mass once per week. We believe in preparing them to be active Christians.
Our classrooms reflect a rich learning environment that aims at teaching the whole child - body, mind and spirit!
SMART Board technology in our lower grade classrooms is used to improve learning and enhance digital learning experiences.
Students in grades K-8 have opportunities to participate in a wide variety of musical, artistic and theatrical experience at Santa Cruz!
Students in grades K-8 have opportunities to participate in a large variety of physical activities at Santa Cruz .
The Santa Cruz school community serves others through prayer and mission projects throughout the year. We are a family united in Christ!
Pursuing Achievement Through Higher Education (PATH) Tucson is dedicated to shepherding Santa Cruz students on the path through college and to heaven. PATH provides tools that our children need to develop strong character and strengthen their spirituality to enable their graceful flourishing.
Spirit of Santa Cruz students pursue and achieve the virtues of SCCS.
Bulldog students show exemplary behavior with strong pursuit of excellence.
Honor roll and high honor roll are awarded to students with high academic achievement.